2021 Spirit Player Permission Form


Important – This form must be completed for attendance*

Permission to Attend The Spirit 2021
If under 18 years old.
READ CAREFULLY AND SIGN – In connection with my participation in the 2021 Spirit International Amateur Golf Championship (“The Spirit”), I acknowledge that there are certain risks and dangers incidental to such participation. Accordingly, I hereby assume the risks and dangers arising from or association with my participation in The Spirit, including, but not limited to, being struck by misdirected or errant golf balls, being struck by golf carts, falling due to unevenness of terrain on the golf course and related areas, and including non-golf related risks such as serious bodily injury or death to the hazards of being in a wilderness area, the forces of nature, other risks and dangers because the nature of grounds or facilities, swimming, travel by airplane and automobile, van or bus and participating in any and all activities during The Spirit or while staying at Camp Olympia or being on Whispering Pines Golf Club grounds. I understand that The Spirit, The Spirit Golf Association, Camp Olympia and Whispering Pines Golf Club will be filming and taking photographs during the event which will include me, and that they might use such filming and photographs in promotional materials. I consent to being filmed and photographed and to use such filming and photographs for promotional purposes.

I understand and am aware that I will be participating daily in many physical activities and that the potential for accidents does exist. I hereby waive on my own behalf and on behalf of any persons claiming by, through, or under me any and all claims and causes of action which I may now or hereafter have against WP Realty, L.P., DBA Whispering Pines Golf Club, Camp Olympia, Inc., Camp Management, Inc., Camp Management Foods, Inc., Olympia Realty Corporation, and the Spirit Golf Association and their respective shareholders, directors, officers, agents, employees, and representatives (all such entities and individuals being referred to collectively hereinafter as the “released parties”) from any and all liability to me for loss or damage on account of injury to myself or property and any and all costs and expenses, including without limitation attorney’s fees, whether caused in whole or in part by the negligence or gross negligence of the released parties, as a direct or indirect result of my time at The Spirit, Camp Olympia, Whispering Pines Golf Club and/or my participation in any of the activities offered by The Spirit, Camp Olympia, Whispering Pines Golf Club. This waiver and Hold Harmless Agreement shall be binding upon my heirs, personal representatives, and assigns.

Authorization to Provide Necessary Treatment: I hereby give permission to the medical personnel selected by the Tournament Director to order X-rays, routine tests, treatment, to release any records necessary for insurance purposes, and to provide or arrange related transportation for me/or my child. In the event I cannot be reached in an emergency, I hereby give permission to the physician selected by the Tournament Director to secure and administer treatment including hospitalization, for the person named above. I understand the information on the online health form will be shared on a “need to know” basis with tournament staff. The online health history form is correct and complete far as I know, and the person herein described has permission to engage in all tournament activities except as noted. I give my permission to photocopy this form. In addition, the tournament has permission to obtain a copy of my health record from providers who treat me, and these providers may talk with the program’s staff about my health status. I have read and understand the foregoing terms and conditions, including without limitation the release provision, and knowingly agree to each and every term and condition.